-If you’re learning engineering design, might as well do it in the majesty and amazement of our virtual reality world.
-Stand on the Great Wall of China and learn how all the steps of engineering design were used in the building of earth’s greatest work of engineering.
-Read a virtual reality Manga comic book about the history of Thomas Edison and his work to harness electricity.
-Like games? Soar through the clouds in our game as you answer questions and search for the answers in the clouds.
-National runner-up teacher of the year, Wendy Martin, explores how snow is made in a full 360 surround experience.
-All of the experiences in this unit take place in our mountain-based research facility.
-Solar cars and the engineering design challenges they face are one of our virtual reality stories contained in this unit.
-As always, this unit is chock full of Next Gen Science Standards as each experience is specifically aligned with the most prominent set of standards used in the United States.
- Age Group: High School
- Category: Eng. & Tech
- Platforms: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Oculus Go, Vive Focus, Pico, Lenovo Mirage, Oculus Quest, Pico Neo 2, Pico Neo 3/4, Vive Focus 3
- NGSS: HS-ETS1-1, HS-ETS1-4, HS-PS3-3, HS-PS4-5
- Runtime: 30-40 min.
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